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What is holi?

Holi is a popular ancient Hindu festival, also known as the “Festival of Love“, the “Festival of Colours” and the “Festival of Spring”.ith the throwing of colored powder and water balloons, Holi has become known as India’s most vivid, joyous festival.

What Is the Story of Holi Festival?

It’s said that the Holi Festival was originally a ceremony for married women to spread prosperity and goodwill on their new families. Since then, the festival has evolved to encompass much more. Now, one of the main focuses of the Holi Festival is a celebration of the victory of good over evil.

Good overcoming evil in Hinduism is rooted in the story of Hiranyakashipu. He was an ancient king who claimed to be immortal and demanded to be worshipped as a god. His son Prahlad was deeply devoted to worshipping the Hindu deity Vishnu, and Hiranyakashipu was angry that his son worshipped this god over him. According to the story, Lord Vishnu appeared as half-lion and half-man and killed Hiranyakashipu. In that way, good conquered evil.

Another story tied to the Holi Festival is that of Radha and Krishna. As the eighth incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu, Krishna is seen by many as the supreme god. Krishna is said to have blue skin because as legend has it, he drank poisonous milk from a demon when he was a baby. Krishna fell in love with the goddess Radha, but feared she would not love him because of his blue skin – but Radha allowed Krishna to dye her skin with color, making them a true couple. On Holi, Festival participants apply color to each other’s skin in honor of Krishna and Radha.

When Is Holi Festival Celebrated?

Holi Festival is celebrated on the last full moon day of the lunar month of (Phalguna), which is generally around the end of March. The exact date of Holi may vary from year to year.


Treat Your Guests With  Jaggery Malpuas This Holi:

How To Make Jaggery Malpuas?

  • In a big bowl, add refined flour or maida and semolina. 
  • Grate palm jaggery and add to the bowl. 
  • Also, add fennel seeds and cardamom powder. 
  • Add milk to the bowl and start to stir slowly in one direction. Keep stirring till you have no lumps in the batter. 
  • Next, add water to the batter and mix again to get a smooth consistency. 
  • Whisk the batter for 5 minutes and then let it rest for 30 minutes. 
  • On a hot tawa, add some oil or ghee. 
  • Pour the batter using a ladle and let it cook on one side. 
  • Gently press the malpua start to puff up, flip to the other side and cook till golden and crisp. 
  • Transfer the malpuas to a kitchen towel to remove excess oil. 
  • In a pan, add water, palm jaggery, cardamom powder, and saffron. Let it cook for a few minutes and once you get a syrup-like consistency, take off flame. 
  • Dip the malpuas in the jaggery syrup and let them rest for about 10 minutes. 
  • Take the malpuas out and garnish with dry fruits. Serve with rabri.


1 cup Refined Flour

½ Cup Semolina

¼ Cup Refined Palm Jaggery

½ Tsp Fennel

¼ Tsp Cardamom Powder

½ Cup Milk

Water As Required

Oil For Deep Frying

30 ML Ghee

Rabri For Serving (Optional)

Dry Fruits For Garnish

1 Cup Palm Jaggery (For Sugar Syrup)

¼ Tsp Cardamom Powder (For Sugar Syrup)

Few Strands Of Saffron (For Sugar Syrup)

Holi Recipe Using Nut Powder And Jaggery – Gujiya 

For the dough:

1. In a large bowl, take wheat flour, semolina, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Give everything a nice mix.

2. Now add Ghee to the flour mixture and incorporate the ghee into the flour by rubbing between your palms till it resembles a breadcrumb-like texture.

3. Make a well in the middle and slowly add water and knead a tight dough. Cover the dough and let it rest in the refrigerator for about half an hour.

4. Till then we can make the filling for the Gujiya.

For the filling:

5. Dry roast all the nuts that you are using in this recipe and keep them aside. Chop the raisins.

6. In a non-stick pan, heat 1 tablespoon of ghee, add the grated coconut and green cardamom and cook together on a medium flame.

7. Once the JAGGERY POWDER melts and gets incorporated in the coconut, add in the nuts, seeds, and raisins and give everything a good mix.

8. Take out the mixture on a plate and let it cool down.

How to assemble?

9. Take the dough out to the refrigerator, knead it slightly till it is pliable and make equal-sized dough balls. Keep them covered while you are working with one.

10. Roll the dough ball into a disc, place it in the Gujiya/dumpling mold.

11. Add the stuffing, brush with water on the edges to seal and close the mould.

12. Remove excess from the sides and take out the Gujiya from the mould and keep it aside.

13. Repeat the process. This recipe should give you 12-15 medium-sized Gujiyas.

How to cook?

14. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees Celcius.

15. Brush ghee on the baking tray and line the Gujiyas. Lightly brush ghee on the Gujiyas too.

16. Bake for 25-30 minutes till the Gujiyas turn brown.

17. Alternatively, you can deep fry these Gujiyas too if you want.

18. Ta..da..Here is how the Gujiya looked when they came out of the oven.



1) Fresh curd (plain) – 400 gm
2) Jaggery finely crushed – 2tbs
3)For garnishing – a) Cashew-Almond chikki ( traditional Indian nut and jaggery sweet cakes)


1) Take the curd in a muslin cloth or cheesecloth over a deep bowl.

2) Bring the four edges of the cloth together and tie one of the edges tightly around the other three to make a knot.

3) Put the tied muslin cloth on a strainer over a deep bowl. Squeeze gently to see the whey coming out of it.

(Note: The bowl should be deep enough so that the collected whey does not touch the curd over the strainer.)

4) Place a heavy bowl or any weight over the muslin cloth to squeeze out the whey or else you can use a hook to hang it.

5) Keep the whole thing in the refrigerator overnight to drain the water completely. (Note: You may use this whey for many of your regular use in food items like chapatis & gravies etc..)

6) Take out the curd in a muslin cloth and collect it in a bowl. Your hung curd is now ready for flavoring.

7) Add the sweetener & flavoring ingredients to prepare the shrikhand. (Note: The sweetener is usually powdered sugar, but you are using jaggery instead of sugar here.)

8) Crush the jaggery finely in a bowl and keep it aside.

9) Add the jaggery in portions to the hung curd & start mixing using a wired whisk.
(Note: If you have an electric beater or blender, you may use that to whip your hung curd that will save more of your time as whipping with a wired whisk takes little time, but be patient as the results are rewarding.)

10) Whip the curd till it becomes smooth & creamy and the jaggery blends completely with your hung curd & no granules are left.
(Note: The colour turns slightly brownish pink /pinkish brown due to the hue of gur.

11. Check the sweetness & add more jaggery if you require.

12. Scrape the edges of the wire and the sides of the bowl nicely using a spatula to collect the remaining curd and add to the bowl.

13. Refrigerate the flavored & sweetened hung curd to chill it.

14. Your chilled shrikhand is now ready to be served. You may serve it as it is or garnish it with pieces of cashew-almond chikki & drizzle with a little liquid gur over it to get that extra yum.

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